Mittwoch, 21. März 2007


Maria-Magdalena Kühne

A: How are you?

B: Thanks I am fine.

A: I am from the 'People' Magazine and I like to talk about your work. On which episode time do you work now?

B. Okay, I work at the Victorian time. I study what people do there how they lived and so on.

A: Tell me something about your work. What make this time for you so amazing?

B: I like the way, how people live. The different between the rich one’s and the poor one’s is very interesting. While the children, which had rich parents, were to lavish presents on children , the poor children have to work 10 or 12 hours a day. They have to work, because the hole family needed the money to bought something to eat. There was no money to by some toys. They have created their own toys… I think children must had time for playing, because they are children. But in these times, children were no children… no they were workers.

A: Okay, that sounds very interesting. Can you tell me something about how the poor families live?

B: Yes. The families lived all in one or two rooms. They all had to work. They had never enough to eat. They were hungry all day.

A: Can you tell me something more about the children work?

B: Yes I can. Okay, the children had to work for 12 hours. They did not get any pleasure time or something else. Most of them, died very young. Because of the air in the factories and the hard work, wasted down their bodies very early! Only the rich children had a good life. They had hole rooms for their toys and they have their own nurse. They had more than enough to eat. Most of them learned reading, but only the boys. The girls only had to be pretty.

A: Okay, thanks. I think I am able to writhe about you and your work now. Thank you very much.

B: Okay. You are welcome. Thank you too. Have a nice day. Bye.

A: Bye.