Mittwoch, 26. September 2007

e hü

Dear editor!
I read the article „Giuliani forced into climbdown” yesterday.
In my opinion the row was very sensless. I think art is art. and art should not be forbidden.
You can’t remove a picture? The Mayor Giuliani did exactly the wrong thing.
Because he started this row, everybody knows the picture now.
I was happy to read that Brooklyn museum won this row because I agree with this museum when they say: “We have the right of free speech”.
What I think about shocking art is that every picture can shock. Some more, others less. but some artists exaggerate too much.
Every person has his own way to see and define a picture. I do not think that the “Virgin Mary” is a very shocking picture I also can’t understand why the reaction from Guiliani, but every picture has another effect to a person. I’m not sure what I think about the article but I guess it was sensless.
Yours, Maria

Freitag, 4. Mai 2007

Text zu Jane Eyre

My Name is Maria. I am a little girl, and I ran away from home. My father is very BRUTAL and he always punched me and my brothers and sisters. We are seven children and our mother died, because she becomes ill.
On this day my dad punched me again. I cannot understand him, I had done everything he wanted. On this morning I went to work and when I come home, he was not very friendly, so I ran away. I went to the family, where I work every day, but I cannot get into the house, because there is no work for me, and I am a little bit afraid of the chef.
So I was the whole day in the garden and wait for the next day.
Suddenly I woke up. It is dark night. Mr. Rochester and Jane are in the garden too. They are talking about marrying. Jane began to cry and say that she did not want to walk away. I understand her very well, this job here is very good. The people are very friendly. But I am afraid that they can be angry with me, when I say something. So I am so quiet I can.
I am not able to respond about what they talk.
But a long time ago I had recognize that Jane likes Mr. Rochester very much. She had fallen in love. I also knows that Mr. Rochester like to marry Misses Ingramm. I do not understand why he talks with Jane about that.
Does he love her too? “Jane, will you marry me?”, he suddenly asks her. I do not recognize this. Mr. Rochester is a chief. He own`s this house and many people work for him, Jane also. They are not allowed to marry. Why does he love her?
They go into the house. Now I am waiting till 8 o´clock, that I can began to work.

Montag, 16. April 2007

Bericht: Oliver Twist

Is there a children pick pocketing gang in London?

By Maria and Maria

Yesterday happened something terrible in front of the bookstore “THE BOOK” in the London Avenue. A young boy was taken to court because a customer of the bookstore accused the boy Sam Waters of stealing his handkerchief.

It was the 5th of April, a totally normal day, when this wicked delict took place. George Smith, a big rich man, visited the bookstore to buy some new books for his collection. The owner of the bookstore Mr. Miller saw some little boys hanging around at “THE BOOK”, like the other customers. After a few minutes Mr. Miller noticed that 2 boys stole an expensive beautiful handkerchief from George Smith’s pocket. The boys ran away and at this moment Mr. Smith descried that someone has stolen his beloved handkerchief. He looked around and saw a little boy who was standing behind him and then suddenly ran away. All people on the street chased this little boy and after he was caught, he was taken to court. The judge wanted to punish the boy, who was called Sam Waters, badly, but suddenly Mr. Miller arrived at the court. He explained, that it had not been Sam Waters, who had stolen that handkerchief, and that he had seen, that two other boys had stolen it out of Mr. Smith’s pocket. Mr. Miller told us, “How could I permit, that a little boy should come into jail, if he didn’t do anything wrong?” So, the little boy got free, but the real committer of this crime has not been found yet. The question, if there’s a pick pocketing gang of young boys in London is not resolved yet too. If something new happens we’re going to inform you as fast as it’s possible.

304 words

Mittwoch, 21. März 2007


Maria-Magdalena Kühne

A: How are you?

B: Thanks I am fine.

A: I am from the 'People' Magazine and I like to talk about your work. On which episode time do you work now?

B. Okay, I work at the Victorian time. I study what people do there how they lived and so on.

A: Tell me something about your work. What make this time for you so amazing?

B: I like the way, how people live. The different between the rich one’s and the poor one’s is very interesting. While the children, which had rich parents, were to lavish presents on children , the poor children have to work 10 or 12 hours a day. They have to work, because the hole family needed the money to bought something to eat. There was no money to by some toys. They have created their own toys… I think children must had time for playing, because they are children. But in these times, children were no children… no they were workers.

A: Okay, that sounds very interesting. Can you tell me something about how the poor families live?

B: Yes. The families lived all in one or two rooms. They all had to work. They had never enough to eat. They were hungry all day.

A: Can you tell me something more about the children work?

B: Yes I can. Okay, the children had to work for 12 hours. They did not get any pleasure time or something else. Most of them, died very young. Because of the air in the factories and the hard work, wasted down their bodies very early! Only the rich children had a good life. They had hole rooms for their toys and they have their own nurse. They had more than enough to eat. Most of them learned reading, but only the boys. The girls only had to be pretty.

A: Okay, thanks. I think I am able to writhe about you and your work now. Thank you very much.

B: Okay. You are welcome. Thank you too. Have a nice day. Bye.

A: Bye.